Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Stiefel sulfur soap for acne treatment

« ...Acne is a skin disease that can affect the face, the chest, the back, and other upper body parts of any individual. Many people suffer from acne, but most individuals who have acne are adolescents or teenagers. This is mainly caused by a reaction from the hormonal changes that adolescents experience during puberty....
...(ii)Chaste Tree Berry 91 mg (fructus viticus agni-casti) - Stimulates and normalizes pituitary functions. Relieves muscle cramps, regulates menstrual cycles and increases and improves breast milk. Good for premenstrual and menopausal symptoms....»
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«...The reason for this disparity in efficacy of different treatments is the fact that there are different types of skin. People with dry skin (and yes, it is quite possible to have both dry skin and acne at the same time) benefit from moisturizing regularly. To many, this may seem counterintuitive, but having very dry skin slows down the skin's natural healing process, causing acne outbreaks to last longer. Therefore, a moisturizing regimen can be a great benefit to acne sufferers with dry skin. Keeping the skin softer (and healthier) discourages breakouts and keeps them shorter when they do happen....»
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tags: help the acne marks on my face home remedies, acne scar removal, how does glycolic acid help acne

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